Our God who is More Than Enough
Live in AWE of God | Photo Credits |
Every follower of Jesus is a disciple, and all disciples
should take seriously the marching orders to go and make disciples (Mathew
28:18-19). If we are too busy with our personal cares, then we are being
unfaithful to God’s calling of us.
We are also limiting God who promised to meet all our needs
according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19).
The key to enjoy the fullness of God’s promise to those who
obey Him is in knowing Him. Knowing God will keeps us in AWE of Him and will
empower us to lead others to experience the same.
Ask Him
Ask, seek, and knock. Keep on asking God in prayer because
He wants to bless us and answer our prayers. Think about it, God Almighty
cannot be taken by surprise and cannot be manipulated; He already has an
answer, whether we pray or not.
But why does He still want us to ask? Because He wants us to
receive (Matthew 7:8). We do not have because we do not ask (James 4:2). He
invites us to pray because He wants us to partake in His divine agenda and to
receive the fullness of our joy (John 16:24).
Work Hard
Towards Contentment
Learn to be content always (Philippians 4:11-12).
Contentment means our happiness is not dependent on your circumstances.
Contentment is not having what you like but liking what you have.
Contentment makes poor men rich and makes rich men poor.
Contentment is not dependent on what you have, but who has you and you belong
to God who will supply all your needs.
Practice giving by faith. Your giving is your worship offering
to the Lord. The way we handle money is a clear indicator of the true condition
of our heart. Where your treasure is, there you heart will be also.
Honor the Lord by giving Him the first part of your income
and He will fill your barns. It is not how much of our money we should give to
God but how much of God’s money we should keep for ourselves.
God is more than enough to meet all our needs as He
promised. If we know Him, we will have no reason to doubt Him.
Pursue knowing God. He provides so we can fulfill the
mission He placed in our hearts to honor Him and to make disciples.